Name : CoinOsi Relocations: (not relocatable) Version : 0.106.4 Vendor: ALT Linux Team Release : alt1.svn20140217 Build Date: Thu May 15 06:46:11 2014 Install date: (not installed) Build Host: Group : Sciences/Mathematics Source RPM: (none) Size : 1024307 License: CPL v1.0 Packager : Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) URL : Summary : Coin Open Solver Interface Description : The COIN-OR Open Solver Interface is a uniform API for interacting with callable solver libraries. It supports linear programming solvers as well as the ability to "finish off" a mixed-integer problem calling the solver library's MIP solver. Currently, the following solvers are supported: COIN-OR LP solver (OsiClp) and COIN-OR Branch and Cut solver (CoinBcp); CPLEX (OsiCpx); DyLP (OsiDylp); FortMP (OsiFmp); GLPK, the GNU Linear Programming Kit (OsiGlpk); Mosek (OsiMsk); OSL, the IBM Optimization Subroutine Library (OsiOsl); SYMPHONY (OsiSym); The Volume Algorithm (OsiVol); XPRESS-MP (OsiXpr).